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Ceremony for Conferring Honorary Professorship on Kazuhiro Ueta (植田和弘客座教授授予仪式)

Ceremony for Conferring Honorary Professorship on Kazuhiro Ueta


Time: March 28th, 2014, 8:45 a.m.-9:30 a.m.

Venue: Room 734, Mingde Main Building, RUC

Sponsor: School of Economics, Renmin University of China


Moderator: Professor Yang Ruilong, Dean of School of Economics, RUC


1. Introduction of Professor Kazuhiro Ueta

by Professor Yang Ruilong, Dean of School of Economics, RUC


2. Speech

by Professor Wang Liming, Executive Vice President, RUC


3. Issuance of Appointment Letter

by Professor Wang Liming, Executive Vice President, RUC


4. Dedicating of flowers and university logo pin

by student representative


5. End of the Appointment Ceremony

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